Next General Meeting is February 20th (rescheduled due to weather). 

See the Events Calendar for the location and time! Show up early and enjoy some Pizza! As always, guests are welcome!

MT. HOOD CORVETTES is a Portland area Corvette Club founded in December 2001. The purpose of our club is to promote the Corvette as America's true sports car while providing technical and practical information for Corvette owners and enthusiasts; planning and conducting safe driving activities, demonstrations to display the skill of the members and to encourage participation in Corvette events throughout the state, region and the nation; communication and cooperation and friendships among members; providing opportunities for social activities among the members; to improve the Corvette image to the general public.

And having fun!!


  • We enjoy Rallies, Parades, Fun Tours, Competitive and Fun Autocross events, Competitive Show 'n' Shines, People's Choice Corvette Shows, Social Gatherings, Corvette Tech Days, and generally each other's company. Much of the revenue earned throughout the year supports local charities.

  • We are active in the Corvette community. We encourage participation and attendance at Corvette club events throughout the area. We believe we have a great opportunity to build friendships by actively participating and working with other clubs and their members.

  • Come on by and check us out at one of our meetings. Hope to see you soon!